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JIA CMA Music Team Teambuilding

January 20, 2023, was a blessed and perfect time for CMA JIA Music team to have our very first team building for the year 2023. CMA or Christian Ministrel and Arts is the official name of the music ministry in the whole JIA which covers the music team, dance, and theater and arts. It was indeed a very timely event for the whole worship team to be motivated and encouraged more. With the theme: Level Up Music Team Building, precisely it has been proven for this time, we have invited a worshipper and servant of the Lord Jesus Christ from ANCF (Across the Nation Christian Fellowship) to grace and encourage the team to stand firm to what GOD has called us to do for His glory. Bro. Anthony “Tonio” Jerusalem, was a very jolly preacher that night. His topic: “In-tune” from Mark 12:30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’, has inspired us all both the worshippers, musicians, guest brethren and Pastors. “Heart check muna bago mag-mic check.”, is the exact words used that most of got strucked of. We have been really motivated, encouraged, filled with funny life experiences, reality life checks and of course with the help of the Word of GOD revealed that night. Before he ended his exhoration, he had shown as an illustration using identical acoustic guitars and he had pinned stickers on both, with the words heart, soul, mind and strength and ask us the question: “How will you know which one of these identical guitars are in tune and which is not?” He followed with an answer, “When u play it. You will know. God knows our hearts just like those guitars.” He then later on led us to worship to experience more of GOD’s presence that night as his conclusion for his exhortation. Such a lovely night of worship indeed. Sumptuous dinner is served and shared afterwards, yet it doesn’t end there. Team buildings wouldn’t be complete without the fun games. Everyone showcased their talents, wisdom, competitiveness and sportsmanship with joy as everyone face every games. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” We also want to express our heartfelt appreciation to our JIA Pastors and brethren who supported us all the way, to the ANCF brethren who opened up their place to be the venue of our event, we are truly beyond blessed with your hospitality and all out support and help you have provided us, the Lord bless us all.

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